Fan Arts #1
This found some fan arts for Yandere Simulator who I like it a lot so I would like to see you some of them!Enjoy!1. Yandere-Chan killed someone and she is pretending like nothing happens
2.Yandere-Chan made a senpai doll.This means she is so in love with Tora
Yamada that is literally digusting!Poor Taro!
3. In this picture Yandere-Chan burned a girl's body because she thinks
this girl was a danger for her love with Taro!If you see closer over of
incinerator has hearts that's mean she kill for love!
4.Last one!You can see two sides of Yandere-Chan!She looks like
a normal cute girl!But behind of all she is a Physco who kills girl to
Taro Yamada notice her!
That's it for now!See you soon!